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The Dallas Bar Foundation is a 501(c)(3) founded in 1971. We are focused on creating cycles of success in our community through scholarships, student clerkships, and educational programs which inspire the next generation of lawyers. The Foundation helps empower the existing legal community in Dallas through our grants program supporting initiatives focused on improving the lives of others by utilizing the justice system. The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the many lawyers who volunteer to mentor and inspire students and new lawyers, provide pro-bono legal services to non-profit organizations we support, and who raise funds so scholarships and student clerkships can be awarded every year.  Since 1981, the Foundation has funded 75 Hughes Scholars through multi-year tuition scholarships, allowing outstanding minority law students to attend the SMU Dedman School of Law, UNT Dallas College of Law and Texas A&M University  and complete a legal education many would have thought beyond reach.

"The Dallas Bar Foundation believes that diversity and inclusivity are essential to the legal profession, and we are committed to supporting law students in their pursuit of a legal education."

Our Mission
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Our Mission

To empower the existing and future legal community in Dallas through scholarships, clerkships, and charitable legal initiatives and to help preserve the historical significance of past generations of lawyers in our community.

Our Vision

To create cycles of success with a diverse, responsive, and engaged legal community in Dallas working to improve lives and create opportunities to help others grow despite financial or situational circumstances.

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2023 Semi-Annual Report

Learn more about the impact of the Dallas Bar Foundation in our 2023 Annual Report!

Support Our Mission Today!

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Our Purpose Statement

Article Four of the Foundation's Articles of Incorporation outlines its educational and charitable purposes. This includes fostering justice through research, publications, and forums; supporting legal education and scholarships; offering legal aid to the indigent; preserving historical structures and commemorations.

Pursuant to the above Purpose Clause, the Dallas Bar Foundation gives grants in the following categories:

  • law-related research, publications, and forums for the furtherance of justice;

  • law-related scholarships and education;

  • charitable and legal aid for the indigent;

  • historical preservation and observances.

What We Do

2024 Trustees

Gabe Vazquez
Vice Chair

Jerry Alexander

Brad Weber

Laura Benitez Geisler, Secretary-Treasurer

Krisi Kastl

Bill Mateja
DBA President,
ex officio

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Robert Tobey, Grants Committee Chair

Stephanie Culpepper

Cheryl Camin Murray

Vicki Blanton 
DBA President-Elect,

2024 DBF Fellows of The Dallas Bar Foundation

Rob Crain

Karen Washington
Vice Chair

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DBF Fellows Program

Dallas Bar Foundation (DBF) Fellows are the sustaining force behind the Dallas Bar Association's philanthropic efforts. The Fellows are perpetual sponsors for scholarships, clinics, special events, issue advocacy, and other charitable grants of the DBF.

Our Staff

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Executive Director

Elizabeth Philipp


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